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Sole UK Agents

Gliders now available to order:

Discus 2a / 2b
Standard class

Discus 2T, 2c & 2cT
Standard & 18m
T* + FES**

20m flapped
2 seater
T* + M**

Duo Discus XL
2 seater*

Ventus 2ax / 2bx
15m class

Ventus 2cx
15m / 18m class
T* + M**

Ventus 2cxa
15m / 18m class*

Ventus 3 
15m & 18m class
T* + M** + FES***


All types are available as pure gliders
* T - SOLO turbo option.
** M - SOLO self-launching option.
*** FES - electric sustainer option.

Contact Phil Jones for price & extras lists.
